EM 775 Marketing Strategies

This Blog has been created as a forum for Milwaukee School of Engineering, Rader School of Business students to comment on various issues related to the subject matter of our class. The class, "Marketing Strategies" is an elective class in the graduate management program. The views expressed are those of the students individually and not of the professor or the university.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

"FORD on the Web" Marketing or Corporate Transformation?

A Business Week article entitled "Ford on the Web, Warts and All" prompted me to take a look. The article discusses Ford's launch of a website called "FORD Bold Moves".

The article goes a bit into the launch of a blog and website created by the Ford ad agency, J. Walter Thomoson. The move was in response to Mark Fields' (Executive Vice President of Ford Motor Company) request to "create a "new brand platform", and create a "shift (in) Ford's traditional - some would say banal --sales driven advertising to something that would resonate even with Ford's critics".

A marketing consultant, Dennis Keene, in the BW article says "engaging consumers about your products and creating stories around your brand that people talk about is a good thing".

The best way to get a feel for what the article is talking about is to go to the Ford Bold Moves website watch at least the first webisode.

What do you think of this move?

Will this technique of brand building work for Business -to- Business Marketing?

Do you know of any other examples of this type of marketing?

Gene A. Wright


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In looking at 12-13 episodes of this "doumentary" - I believe the name of the series definitely hits the nail on the head - Bold Moves. Ford is defintely in trouble and it shows in sales and factory closings. What may be the biggest boon for them is that this country loves the underdog and what better way to play the underdog but to expose how you get there but better yet, what you're doing to get out of the situation.

As I have mentioned before, individuals make the purchase not companies. It is the influence of these individuals which can make or break a particular purchase. For that reason I believe this can work for B2B marketing. Appeal to a segment and people will talk about it. It will be in the forefront of peoples thinking. How many times do you talk about something when it is different and exciting? This is different and exciting. Marketers like buzz and this style of marketing definitley has a place in B2B.


3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think of this move?

Ford needs a radical approach such as their bold moves campaign. Corporate America has no soul …or at least that is what many people and potential customers think. Admitting to and plainly discussing some of their problems gives Ford a more human perspective that customers can relate to. That notion is reinforced by commentary by the likes of legendary figures like Carroll Shelby when he noted Ford is a family company …always has been and always will be. More importantly the campaign portrays Ford being more humble and less arrogant and maybe just willing to listen to their customers. After watching several episodes I have to admit I am cheering them on. Although not a Ford fan yet ….I too, love an under dog!

Will this technique of brand building work for Business -to- Business Marketing?

This technique of brand building will absolutely work in B2B marketing. Maybe not in the exact same format that Ford is using …but it will work. Marketing to businesses is marketing to the “people” in those businesses who make buying decisions (i.e. Engineers, managers, buyers, etc.) Making buying decisions in today’s business environment is about having confidence that the products and services being purchased will solve the problems at hand in a cost effective manner and that the supplier understands the customer’s needs and concerns and takes care of them. Many times, decisions to award large contracts are based upon several quotes and presentations. A supplier who can make their customer feel like part of an extended family or part of a larger community similar to what Ford is attempting just may tip the scales in their direction.

5:09 PM  

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